Setting goals for your business is key to intentionally building the equine business of your dreams. Whether you do it at the beginning, middle, or end of the year, here are 5 steps that’ll help you set goals that have sticking power.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
We’re talking about goals today.
But not just any goal. Goals that have sticking power that’ll keep you motivated all year long.
Whether you do it at the beginning of the year the middle of the year or even at the end of the year, making goals for your business is key to intentionally building the equine business of your dreams
Think about it. Think about the brands that you admire. Think about the horse trainers or the businesses that you admire.
At some point in their career, they most likely set a goal that helped them get to where they are today.
That’s because success does not happen by accident. And I’m not just talking about winning shows. Whatever your measure of success is, you are going to have to be intentional about that. And that’s exactly why we are talking about setting goals.
And if you really want to achieve your goals, there are a few key things you can incorporate as you set them.
Essentially, the steps I’m going to walk you through today are going to help you set goals that you can actually achieve.
Goals that will actually keep you motivated and help you get out of bed every morning. Goals that will help you to filter through your to-do list to make sure the things you're doing during the day or evening are the things that are actually going to help you meet your goals.
Are you ready?
Here are the 5 steps to set goals that'll keep you motivated all year long:
Define success for you.
List goal ideas.
Select 4 to 5 goals.
Identify action steps
Identify mini-goals.
BONUS: Share your goals with someone.
Links mentioned in this episode:
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