Learn how Ariat International started as an equestrian riding boot company, the central themes that have been key to their success, and then how you can apply that to your own equestrian business.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
How do you achieve sustainable success in your equine business?
One of the best ways to do that is to learn from others who have gone before you or are doing what you’d like to do. I’m NOT suggesting you copy or mimic what others are doing.
Instead, learn about the strategies and principles that made them successful. How’d they get there? What could you learn about what you do and don’t want to do for your own business?
That’s what this case study format is going to help you do.
Ariat International is a global brand. They’re one of, if not the, largest equestrian sports brand in the world.
But they didn’t start out that way.
In this case study, you’ll learn how Ariat started as an equestrian riding boot company, the central themes that have been key to their success, and then how you can apply that to your own equestrian business.
For the full case study and deep dive into the history of Ariat International, listen to the episode.
4 Eye-opening Keys To Long-term Success from Ariat International Case Study:
Key # 1: It’s about the customer – their problem and desires.
Your customer’s problem should be central to everything you do.
It wasn’t about what the co-founders thought people need. The question she asked from the beginning was, “What does the user need?”
Key # 2: Be willing to niche down and focus.
They started with one clearly defined user. As they had success, they evolved over time.
If Ariat International had tried to be the best boot for everyone who wears boots, they wouldn’t have experienced that same initial success.
Dilute the focus, dilute the results. ~ Rory Vaden
Key # 3: Innovate with purpose.
Don’t just change things for the sake of change. Ariat International is always improving based on customer feedback while keeping technology infusion at the forefront. That doesn’t mean they jump on every idea that comes their way.
You have to have a clear filter — a clear goal and a clear why.
As an entrepreneur, there’s no shortage of ideas that will come your way. The most successful entrepreneurs know how to say no so that you can say yes when it matters most.
Key # 4: Build the right team.
Because they’re clear on their purpose and culture, they’re able to bring the team members on board that line up with that.
You may be a solopreneur – one-person team – but you don’t have to do your horse business alone. My business bestie has been invaluable to me – we talk through struggles, strategies, ideas, all the business things. Also, working with a business coach at different times of my business has helped me see things I’d otherwise have missed.
If you’re ready to make this the season you focus on your business growth and get a strategy in place, it’s not likely to happen all on your own.
That’s why 1:1 coaching with a business and marketing coach is so valuable.
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each of the insights shared and discover how you can apply each one in your horse business!
Ready to set your equine business up for long-term success? Take the Reins 1:1 Coaching will give you a step-by-step roadmap to get there.
Links Mentioned In This Episode
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