Have you ever been frustrated you’re not gaining the traction you hoped for from your social media efforts? These three ad-free social media strategies are for you.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
For many horse business owners, marketing your business on social media makes you feel a little dizzy.
Maybe you’ve tried to digest the literally thousands of articles available online and even tried to implement an idea here or there.
But at the end of the day, your head is still spinning and your Facebook page or Instagram profile has gained zero traction.
I know the feeling!
Last year, I headed to the round pen to work with my son’s miniature horse, Storm. Like most minis, he has a mind of his own lots of days. And this particular day, he really did!
As I’ve shared here on the podcast before, I love horses and grew up with horses—but I am not a horse trainer. I'm intrigued by liberty work, though, and I have high hopes of learning to do liberty work with Storm. So, I love to learn about liberty techniques and then work with him to see if I can apply what I’ve been learning.
Our round pen session that day started out okay. However, as we were getting ready to work on some advanced leading, he decided he was not interested in backing up. Let’s just say by the end of our time together, he was still bucking and I was losing my confidence in being able to do any kind of liberty work with him.
I gained zero traction that day.
While I didn’t have a lightbulb moment as far as liberty work is concerned, the good news is that I did have one for you!
What I realized is that this was how a lot of horse business owners feel when it comes to marketing, specifically social media marketing.
You try your best, you do what you’ve seen other businesses do or what you think is the right thing to do, but no matter what, it just doesn’t seem to work for you. Just like my son’s little mini was not working for me!
That’s why I’m giving you three proven social media marketing strategies you can use to promote your business.
Here are the 3 social media marketing strategies you should use in your horse business:
Publish engaging posts. (Make them regular, relevant, and rich.)
Utilize Facebook groups.
Include website links in your feed.
BONUS: Use email marketing when they're on your website to keep the conversation going.
Do you have other strategies that are working well for you? Share them with your fellow horse business owners inside the How to Marketing Your Horse Business Podcast Community on Facebook!
Has a website refresh been on your to-do list? Start here ...
My five-step process to review your website and create an action plan so that it works to help you grow a sustainable horse business.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Websites vs. Social Media: The Number One Question I Get Asked About Marketing
Are we friends on Instagram? You'll find me as Stormlily Marketing, and I love meeting you there!
Or, I'm on Facebook, too! As Stormlily Marketing and as How to Market Your Horse Business.
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