When it comes to the words on your website or social media (or any other place for that matter), how do you know if you’re being clear? And why does clarity even matter? We're diving into that and more with these 5 doable steps to create clear content for your horse business.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
Today on the podcast we're diving into content creation. (I know, you can hardly contain your excitement. ;) )
Content matters.
Specifically, the clarity of your content matters.
Whether we're talking about your website, social media, print fliers, advertisements, or even in-person conversations, when you are clear on who you serve and how you help them, your potential customers are also clear on if you are a fit for each other.
Wouldn't you love for someone to land on your website and say, "Yes, they know exactly what I'm feeling right now and what I'm hoping to accomplish ... and they can get me there. I'm in!"
When you write words for your website that are clear, the likelihood of that happening goes up dramatically.
Think of it this way.
As a horse business owner, you get that the best way to communicate with a horse is to use their language, right? We hear it all the time, and you've probably said it more than a few times. The same is true for your business.
If you want to write content that will move people to action, you need to be clear and speak in words that your potential customers will identify with.
Thankfully, you don't have to figure this out on your own. That's why I'm here!
You don't have to be a professional to write clear and compelling content. You just have to be willing to do the work and learn the craft.
Here are 5 doable steps to create clear content for your horse business:
Adjust your perspective.
Get rid of industry jargon.
Speak (write) in first-person.
Re-read before you publish.
Get an outsider's perspective.
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into how you can apply each of these steps to your own horse business marketing!
Links mentioned in this episode:
My Social Stride Membership: Simplifying Social Media for Equine Entrepreneurs
More on Knowing Your Audience: Jump-Start Your Marketing With These 2 Questions
More on Knowing Your Audience: Reach More People By Niching Down With Dani Powers
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