Do you ever open up your phone to post on social media, but realize you have no idea what to say? You want to or feel you like you need to, but either way, you’re at a loss. So, you grab the most recent horse pic or video and put some hashtags with it and call it good. Not anymore, my friend! Use these 5 topics as a springboard for when you can’t figure out what to post on social.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
So, it’s time for you to make a post on social media—either because you want to or you feel like you need to for the sake of your business.
You’re not feeling particularly inspired and you need to move on with your day, so you throw a picture up there and say, “Had a great training session with Rosie today! I love seeing her progress.”
Or, maybe you say something like “Bucky sure likes his new bed shavings!” and post a pic of your horse buddy chilling in his stall.
But if you’ve been listening to this podcast for long, I hope you know that’s not really engaging content. And, I hope you know why you want engaging. Just in case, here are a couple podcast episodes to check out after you listen to this one .…
But, let’s say you open your phone and you’re thinking, “What in the world can I post if I want it to be engaging and help me to connect with the right people online?” In other words, you want to get a return for your investment of valuable time.
That’s why today you’re getting five topics you can keep in your back pocket for when you are going to post on social media and you don’t know what to say.
Use these topics as springboards for inspiration for your next few posts. Of course, these are topics, so you can put together a whole bunch of posts overtime that fall under the same topic!
While at first you might be thinking about post ideas, remember these social media topics are great for your reels and stories as well. Okay, here you go!
5 Social Media Topics for When You Don't Know What to Say
Behind the Scenes
Your Story
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each of these topic ideas and hear how you can start each one in your social media marketing!
Links Mentioned In This Episode
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