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Why do I serve horse businesses? ​
Ronald Reagan said it best. "There is nothing better for the inside of the man than the outside of the horse."
Denise Alvarez, horse business marketing coach
About Denise

I’ve always been a horse girl and always loved horse people. (Yep, that’s me on the pony my sister and I shared from before I can even remember!)


Give me a horse that needs a little brushing or an afternoon at the barn and I’m a happy girl!

Little girl riding pony

And at the same time, taking big, messy projects or ideas and organizing them into bite-size bits of info and processes that anyone can understand energizes me.


Get me to talking about content and how you can use your website to grow your email list and, in turn, your business, and I’ve got plenty of ideas.


So, it seems fitting that I would marry the two and serve horse business owners by helping you create and implement a winning strategy for your marketing. It’s a win-win!


One of the biggest lessons I've learned while studying a few different horse trainers to further my own horse know-how is actually one that applies to marketing and many other facets of life.

It’s all about choosing to operate and live with purpose. 


I believe God has a purpose for each one of us—yep, that means you, too.


Whether you train horses, teach riding lessons, run a breeding operation or board horses, if you don’t run your business and live your life with purpose then it's crazy to expect to see big things happen. 


Yet, when you do then, even if little by little, you will move the needle forward. And that’s why I’m excited you’re here. You’re running a business that you want to see grow on purpose and with purpose. 


So, now it’s time for me to learn about you, the customers you serve and the horses you love so we can make a plan for your online marketing success. This is going to be fun! 

I'm here to help you market your business with purpose so you can be out in the barn or arena doing what you love to do!

Credit for my headshot/branding photos ...

📷 Shelley Paulson (Shelley Paulson Photography)

🏡 Claudia Dineen (Runaway Writing)

🐴 April aka Juiced In Hollywood (Owner Claire McClintock)



One day, the Stormlily brand will expand to create a place for at-risk kids and survivors of human trafficking to experience the way God uses horses to touch our hearts in extraordinary ways.


If you’d like to be part of bringing hope and healing through Stormlily Ranch, you can be notified when this day comes. Just fill out the form below! 

Want to get involved? Join the Stormlily Ranch Prayer Team!
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