When, Why, and How to Pivot Your Horse Business with Michael and Kelsey Gascon

Are you facing a major change in your business? Do you feel you need to pivot but aren’t sure what that looks like? Michael and Kelsey Gascon are sharing how they’ve successfully maneuvered multiple pivots in their horse business—and their best tips for how you can do it, too.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!

If you’ve been in business very long, I’d venture to guess that your horse business today doesn’t exactly look like you thought it would when you started.

How do I know? The reality is that as a business owner in the equine industry, you’re going to be making some pivots over time.

Maybe you’ll go from in-person to adding online elements. Or, from expos only to a brick and mortar shop. Or, from serving only the U.S. to becoming international. Or, you’ll add on products and services that change the nature of your business.

They’re all pivots. Sometimes you’ll pivot because your situation deems it necessary. And, sometimes you’ll pivot simply because you see an opportunity and decide to go for it.

But, how do you do that well? And, what if you pivot and the direction you went doesn’t seem to be working out for you?

That’s exactly what you’ll learn in this episode of the How to Market Your Horse Business Podcast.

This episode is extra fun because I get to introduce you to a client of mine who is doing new things in the equine industry.

Michael and Kelsey Gascon of Gascon Horsemanship are a husband-and-wife duo who are, first of all, passionate about helping as many people as possible enjoy life with their horses.

As you hear their story and lessons they’ve learned along the way, you’ll notice that neither are doing now what they originally set out to do — they’re both willing to pivot and make changes.

Rest assured, if you’re someone who’s resistant to change yet you know it’s part of being a business owner, this episode is packed with great advice for you, too!

5 Things to Remember When Facing a Pivot in Your Horse Business

  1. Listen to your audience.

  2. Help people get the results they want.

  3. You’re in the people business. (Horses aren’t signing the checks.)

  4. Don’t be afraid to beat the drums and let people know you’re around, making changes, etc.

  5. It all comes back to your personal mission, vision, and goals.

Every equestrian business owner should know what you’re working towards, your why, and use that as a filter for every decision you make along your entrepreneurial journey.

Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each of the insights Michael and Kelsey shared and discover how you can apply each one in your horse business!

Links Mentioned In This Episode

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