Is it really possible for your horse business to sell on social media? Absolutely! In this episode, you’ll get 4 surefire strategies for selling your products and services on social media.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
Without a doubt, social media is a top-notch tool for creating connections with your best-fit audience.
But, have you ever wondered if sales really come out of the work you do to build those connections?
The answer is a resounding yes. Still not sure? Let me introduce you to Katie, a member of my Social Stride monthly coaching program.
Katie provides horse training and riding lessons in Maryland. Earlier this year I did the copy and design for her new website. And, over the past few months, we’ve been working together on a 1:1 basis to create her social media strategy.
Using the templates she gets as a Social Stride member, she’s been posting compelling content on Facebook on a consistent basis because she knows that’s where her people are hanging out. As a result of her upping her social media game and having a great website to send people to, she’s been getting new contact form inquiries for her program. And do you know why they’re telling her they’re reaching out? Because they have connected with what she shares on Facebook!
And I can tell you from personal experience the same thing has happened to me.
Some of my best clients have been from one-on-one connections I made on social media.
Guess what … you don’t have to have tens of thousands of followers.
You just need to be speaking to an audience of followers that are a right fit for you and your business …
So, we’ve established it’s possible to sell on social media. But, how do you go about doing it without just posting a bunch of “We have openings” images or videos?
4 Ways to Sell On Social Media
Highlight a success story. Show before and after, AKA the transformation.
Share your process. Lean into the potential fear of missing out.
Give a call to action. Tell them how to actually make the purchase or take the next step to work with you.
Get them on your email list. Keep that conversation and connection going off of social media.
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each of the strategies to discover how you can apply each one in your horse business!
Links Mentioned In This Episode
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