Have you created a lead magnet to build your email list but can’t figure out how to get people to sign up? Here are 9 strategic yet simple ways you can share about your awesome freebie to get more leads.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
Okay, let's assume for the moment that you've listened to my two-part series on creating a valuable freebie ...
That means you’ve got your awesome freebie all ready to go. So, what’s next?
Where do you share it? How do you get the word out to your best-fit audience that you’ve got what they need?
Unfortunately, for the majority of horse business owners, it’s not an “If you build it, they will come” scenario.
That’s why it’s vital that you build email marketing into every piece of your marketing strategy so that it’s second nature to share about your amazing freebie wherever you go.
First of all, because it really is a valuable resource that you know will help them.
Secondly, your amazingly valuable freebie is going to allow you to build a list of people who know, like and trust you—and want to buy from you.
It might sound overwhelming at first, but there are actually lots of ways you can proactively spread the word that you have something awesome available for free.
Here are 9 ways you can share about your freebie to get the right people to your website and on your email list:
Landing Page
Your Existing Email List
Business Card
Website Pop-up Form
Email Signature
Facebook Page
Tools and Resources Page on Your Website
Print Materials
Social Media Bios
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into how you can apply each of these strategies to your own business!
Links mentioned in this episode:
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