You have a Facebook page, but is it providing all that your potential and current customers are looking for? Learn why you need a website, even if you have a Facebook page.

What’s the first thing you do when you have a problem? Most likely, jump on your phone and do a quick search.
That’s definitely what your potential customers are doing. They are looking online for the answers to their questions and the solutions to their problems.
So, what are you doing to make sure your business shows up for them in their search? When they do a search specifically for your business, what do they find?
“I have a Facebook page.”
That’s one of the most common answers I receive to these questions. And, if that’s your answer, then great! But, did you know that’s not enough?
Yes, Facebook can be a great tool for your business marketing toolbox. After all, it is the largest social networking site in the world.
But if you are relying solely on your Facebook page to engage with potential customers or clients, then you’re missing out on the opportunities a website gives you to grow your business.
Here are two key reasons your Facebook page should not take the place of a website for your business:
1. You rent Facebook. You own your website.
Your Facebook page is a space that you rent. Just like being a tenant of a rental property, you have a landlord. Facebook owns everything you put on Facebook, and I’m not just talking about your posts and photos.
Facebook controls how, if, and when you can access your existing and potential customers that have liked your page. And it even controls your access to their information. That means, outside of Facebook, you can’t get in touch with any of these people directly.
So, what does this mean on a practical level for your business? When you have a sale or promotion or want to share an exciting announcement, you can post about it on Facebook. And you should. But there are no guarantees the people who have liked your page will actually see your post in their news feed.
Compare this to the website that you own. You control how your potential customers engage with you on your website. And how do you use that to best promote your sale or special announcement?
When people visit your website, you can build your email list of potential and current customers or clients by providing a valuable lead magnet in exchange for an email address.
Then, because you own your email list, you can send your sale information or special announcement directly to their email inbox.
With a website, you control your direct connection to your potential customers.
2. Facebook is the front porch. Your website is the living room.
The front porch of your home is where you greet people. It’s casual and yet still a little guarded—it’s still outside the house. Some people may make it to your front porch but never actually go inside your house.
For your business, Facebook is like your front porch. It’s a place for potential customers to learn who you are and what you do. Through Facebook, they can learn the basics of your business and even engage with you directly through comments and messages. But it doesn't go much further than that.
What if they are interested in learning even more about your business? What if they are looking for the specifics of the products and services you provide? Or maybe they're ready to reach out and start a conversation with you about becoming a customer or client or to schedule an appointment. They are looking to go past the front porch and into your living room.
That’s where your website comes in! Just like bringing a guest into your home gives you the chance to get to know each other better, your website gives your potential customers the opportunity to get to know you and your business better.
When you have a great website, your potential customers become your actual customers as you provide the answers they're looking for and show them how your business can help solve their problems.
You will likely be meeting a lot of people on your Facebook page. And as a business owner, you want those that are the best fit for your business to move from Facebook to your website. Because that’s where the real relationship-building happens.
So, what’s the answer to, “If I have a Facebook page for my business, do I really need a website?”
If you want to do more than just greet your potential customers at the door of your business—and we all do, right?!—then, overwhelmingly, the answer is yes.
You need a website for your business. Even if you have a Facebook page.