If you learn by watching and you’ve considered using YouTube to market your horse business, then you’re in the right place. This episode is like a show-and-tell format as we look at how five different equine businesses are using YouTube to grow their reach. Get ready to be inspired!

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
Have you ever considered using YouTube to market your horse business?
If you haven’t yet, here are just a few reasons I think you should at least put it in your marketing ideas bucket ...
YouTube ranks second in the most visited sites organically in the US and first when the same is charted globally. (source)
90% of digital consumers in the US use YouTube – making it the most popular choice for watching online videos. (source)
Only 9% of small businesses have their own Youtube channel. (source)
Not surprisingly, most YouTube users are looking to watch content on things they’re passionate about.
So, what does all of this mean for you as a horse business owner?
Your audience is passionate about horses, right? That means there are thousands (if not millions) of people online at any given time looking to YouTube for answers to their burning horse questions.
That also means you most likely have a potential audience on YouTube.
As you know, I’m not all about jumping on whatever is hot because it sounds good and only doing it half-heartedly. So, I’m not saying, “Hey, let’s all get on YouTube!”
I am saying, however, that we shouldn’t ignore it. And if you can do it on a somewhat consistent basis and you see clearly how it aligns with what you want to accomplish in your business, then YouTube is a great place for your horse business to be.
So, what do you do on YouTube? In this episode, rather than give you a list of ideas (which you know I love to do!), it’s more of a show and tell.
I always think it’s great to learn from others, so we’re going to look at five different equine businesses and see how they’re using YouTube strategically to grow their reach.
These businesses are from both the English and the Western world because YouTube is not breed or discipline specific.
Therefore, no matter what area of the equine industry you’re in, I hope you’ll get some inspiration from these examples.
5 Horse Businesses That Are Using YouTube to Grow Their Reach:
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into how you can learn from each of these equestrian businesses so you can use YouTube to market your own business!
Links Mentioned In This Episode
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