Does it take money to make money in the horse business? Can horse trainers who aren’t world-renowned clinicians build a profitable horse business? In this episode, you’ll discover how one horse trainer is doing it, and what you can do to be sure your own horse business is profitable at the end of the day.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
Have you ever heard someone say, “If you want to make money in the horse business, you need to have money to start with?”
Or, maybe you don’t necessarily believe that’s true but you’re still struggling to figure out on a practical level how much you should be charging for your horse training services. Or, how much your boarding fees should be in order to build a business that gives you some freedom versus wears you out.
Thankfully, there are some things you can put in place that will help you create a horse training business that aligns with the lifestyle and family you envision for yourself.
It’s not a pipe dream, friend.
And, the good news is Colton Woods of Colton Woods Horsemanship has figured a lot of this out for you—and he’s happy to share what he’s learned along the way. Which is why I invited him to be a guest on this episode.
If you’ve been around here long, you’ve actually met Colton before because I used his website as an example to follow in Episode #33: 4 Proven Ideas for Your Valuable Email Freebie (AKA Lead Magnet).
And that was before I even know he had the business mentorship program we’re talking about today.
But that just goes to show you why he’s here. He gets not just marketing but business strategy as a whole.
Today, Colton is diving into why he believes so many horse businesses owners struggle, the heart behind why he started his new program, and even sharing some of the specific ways he’s coaching trainers to be successful business owners.
Rather than a specific list or number of ways to do it, he really shared an amazing mix of personal insights mixed in with a little business coaching. So, I’m sharing with you just five of the key takeaways, but I sure hope you listen to the full episode for all the goods.
5 Keys to Building a Profitable Horse Training Business
Have a system. Whether it’s client acquisition, horse training, or even scheduling your time, creating systems for each piece of your business will allow you to provide the best experience for your clients (both horses and human).
Create an experience. This doesn’t mean your place has to be fancy with a viewing area stocked with snacks and drinks. A great experience means you’re intentional about how the client feels when the horse is with you or when the clients themselves are with you or in your barn.
Charge what you’re worth. You have a skill and your work has value, so don’t underestimate that. And definitely charge more than just what it’s costing you to be there or to have the horse at your facility.
Be open to learning. Take the time to invest in your own development so that you can better serve all the other areas of your life.
Embrace an abundance mindset. If you are good enough at what you do, there will always be enough out there for you.
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each strategy and discover how you can apply each one to your business!
Links Mentioned In This Episode
Colton Woods: Website | Business Mentorship for Horse Trainers | The Professional Horseman's School | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok (@coltonwoodshorsemanship ) | Podcast
Episode #33: 4 Proven Ideas for Your Valuable Email Freebie (AKA Lead Magnet)
Episode #48: How to Build a Profitable Lesson-Based Business With Brian Wee
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