How specific are you when you describe what you do and who you serve? As you’ll learn from artist and barrel racing coach Dani Powers, the more specific you are, the more effective your marketing will become.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
I shared a bit about Dani Powers, this episode's guest, back in Episode #27 when we uncovered some hidden careers in the equine industry. (Didn't catch that episode? Here you go!)
You met Dani in that episode as an artist catering to barrel racers and rodeo lovers, and I pointed out then how well she'd done with a very specific audience. So, as she and I connected after that episode, I invited her onto my podcast so you can learn from her experiences.
In addition to the painting business, she's getting back into her first love—coaching high-performing barrel racers. (Notice how specific that is, by the way?)
Dani is sharing how niching down has actually opened up her business to work with just the right people—and how it can do that for you, too!
So, what does it mean to niche down? It means you intentionally narrow down the audience that you want to work with and that you're going to speak to in all of your marketing and communications.
For example, rather than being "an artist who paints horses," Dani described herself as "a Western and equine artist who creates art for the hustlers in and outside of the arena." Do you see the difference?
As you listen to this episode, I encourage you to consider how specific your communications are right now, even in places like your social media profiles and the first few lines of your website.
Go ahead and make some changes if you need to get more clear on who your business is a fit for (and who it's not). When you do, you could actually end up reaching more people!
Here are 6 benefits Dani shared that you experience when you niche down:
You stand out apart from your competition.
You get to work with your ideal client because you know exactly what their problems are and how to solve them.
You eliminate the car salesman vibe because they come to you already interested. All you have to do is relate to them and help them find what they need.
You create raving fans instead of one-time buyers.
Your brand doesn’t get lost with the trends.
You save marketing dollars and time.
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into how you can be sure that your business is clear on exactly who you're serving!
***Just for How to Market Your Horse Business Podcast Listeners!***
You can get a free copy of Dani's new competition journal when you tell her what you hope she'll include in it. Use the contact form on her website to send her a personal note!
Links mentioned in this episode:
Connect with Dani: Website | A-Game Perf Instagram | A-Game Performance Facebook | Powers Perspective Designs Instagram
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