When you have just a few minutes to spend on social media, what should you do? Head to your stories and let your followers know what you’re working on, what you have to offer, and how they can take action!

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Being authentically you in your social media is the best way to create connections with your followers. When you do you’ll build up that all-important know, like, and trust factor.
So, how do you do it?
One of the easiest ways to bring people into your world is through your Instagram or Facebook stories.
Because they’re short-lived (just 24 hours) you can post more off-the-cuff or organic content than you might do in a regular post.
Plus, your super fans are the ones most likely to watch and engage. So, it makes selling easier because they’re also more likely to buy.
Are you new to using stories as a marketing tool? Or, need a bit of inspiration to make it happen?
In this episode you’ll learn the ins and outs of how stories are your social media secret weapon.
What is an Instagram or Facebook story?
Stories are a way for you to share content on your profile or page that shows up in a slideshow format for your followers. They’re a maximum of 15 seconds in length. Of course, you can use a video that’s longer than 15 seconds—it’ll just show as multiple stories in a row for your followers to tap through as they view.
Visible for just 24 hours (unless you save to your Instagram highlights), Meta describes stories as “a way to share everyday moments with your friends and followers.”
While Facebook and Instagram both have stories as a feature, the tools available inside of stories vary slightly depending on the platform you use. You can also choose to send your Instagram stories to your Facebook page as a way to stay present with your followers on both platforms.
When should you use stories?
"Everyday moments"
Behind the scenes
Share posts from other profiles that will serve your audience
When someone tags you, give them a public “thanks for sharing”
Get feedback from your followers (ask questions, use polls, etc.)
How do you create engagement with stories?
If you want to create engagement, you need to invite it!
Thankfully it’s quick and simple enough to do with the stickers. Take advantage of the engagement stickers provided, including
What are the keys to selling with stories?
Remember, your social media followers don’t know what they don’t know! That means it’s up to you to share about your business, what you offer, and how they can become your customers.
Share what you’re working on for your current customers.
Be intentional to let your followers know what products and services you offer.
Highlight testimonials and showcase stories of existing or previous clients and customers.
Showcase recent clients or even existing client wins
Always provide an easy call to action. Use the link sticker to link directly to your website or sign-up form. Encourage them to message you for details or to send your story to a friend who might be interested in your offer.
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each of the story strategies and content ideas to discover how you can apply each one in your horse business!
Links Mentioned In This Episode
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