If you have a Facebook page (or Instagram profile or fill in your favorite social media app), do you really need a website? That’s the most common question I get when it comes to marketing. So, we’re going to tackle it right here!

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This week, we're going back to the first episode of the How to Market Your Horse Business show. I've made some new friends this fall and I'm so glad you're here with me. And since the first episode answers a question I get all the time, I want to be sure you get to hear my answer.
So, enjoy this encore episode, and I'll catch you next week with a brand new episode here on the podcast!
Pretty much anytime I’m talking to someone about what I do for a living, whether they’re in the horse business or not, I get the same question.
“Do people still even build websites with Facebook nowadays?”
And I get why. There are definitely lots of people that are foregoing a website and relying solely on social media.
But, those businesses are completely missing out on the opportunities a website gives you to grow your business.
I don’t view social media and websites as an either/or category, meaning you have to pick one over the other. Instead, I think social media can be a great complement to your website. But I do not believe it should be a replacement.
There are two key reasons your Facebook page or social media should not take the place of a website for your horse business.
You rent Facebook. You own your website.
In addition to many other things, Facebook controls how, if, and when you can access your existing and potential customers that have liked your business page. And it even controls your access to their information. That means, outside of Facebook, you can’t get in touch with any of these people directly.
Compare this to the website that you do own. When people visit your website, you get to control what they’re seeing and how it’s viewed.
And the really big thing with owning your website is that you can use it to build your email list of potential and current customers or clients with their contact, giving you direct access to send them information on your specials, promotions, or just good, helpful information.
Facebook is the front porch. Your website is the living room.
The front porch of your home is where you greet people. For your business, Facebook is a place for potential customers to learn who you are and what you do.
Through Facebook, your potential customers and clients can learn the basics of your business and they can even engage with you directly through comments and messages.
But what if they're interested in learning even more about your business? Facebook can help guide them to your living room, but then it’s up to you, right?
That’s where your website comes in! Just like bringing a guest into your home gives you the chance to get to know each other better, your website gives your potential customers the opportunity to get to know you and your business better.
As a horse business owner, you want the people that are the best fit for your business to move from Facebook to your website—from hanging out on your front porch to visiting with you in your living room. Because that’s where the real relationship-building happens.
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