Have you ever wondered what’s the one thing you need to do on your equestrian website to get your website visitors to actually become paying customers? Then this episode is for you. We’re going to dive into the one thing every website needs and why it’s so important.

Welcome to the show notes! This is a brief summary of the podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
I promised you in our first episode that every week we’ll talk about some aspect of marketing your horse business with the goal of you walking away with some doable strategies to help you market your horse business.
I also promised you I’d define any marketing jargon that comes up.
So, in this episode we defined convert, as it relates to marketing.
When someone moves from being a website visitor to becoming your actual customer, that's a conversion. So, a website that converts is one that accomplishes exactly that!
But not all of us are going to get the sale right there on our website, especially on the website visitors' first visit. Most of the time, it takes eight touches before someone decides to buy from you.
Those touches might come in a variety of forms from social media, to flyers, to personal recommendations to emails and of course, your website. And we call that the customer journey—of which your website plays a big part.
To connect all these dots, we went through an example of a lesson barn and a new student. We traced all the different touches this new student had with the lesson barn before ever signing up for lessons.
(You'll want to listen to the episode to go on the full customer journey! Hint: The lesson barn actually did have a website that converts!)
So, how do you get a website that converts?
That’s actually why I created my free website checklist, 4 Must-Haves to Make Your Equine Website Dreams a Reality.
Because really, the website of your dreams is the one that helps you grow your business, right?
For our purposes, we dialed in on one of those key elements which is giving your visitors a reason to actually sign up for your emails.
Sure, you could just say, “Get our email newsletter!” but how exciting is that? To get the right people to sign up for your emails, you’ll want to actually offer something in exchange for their email address.
The most common way to do this is with something you provide in exchange for an email address. We call this a lead magnet in the marketing world because the email is the lead and the magnet is something that’s going to attract your lead to want to give you their email address.
I shared some examples from Hayes Cofell Performance Horses and Runaway Writing and how they created something their customers were already asking them about.
So, what’s something your audience already asks you all the time? Do you have some riding confidence boosters you can share? Or if you have an online store, can you provide a coupon for people who sign up for your emails?
Thinking about that will get you the lead magnet that’s going to get the best email addresses. And that will help you get your website to convert visitors to customers which is going to help you grow your business.
Wow, we went kind of deep into the world of marketing today, didn’t we?
I hope you enjoyed it!
If I’ve left a stone unturned in this conversation or you have some more questions, I’d love to hear from you! Jump into my private How to Market Your Horse Business Facebook group.
Inside the group, you can actually ask a question that your fellow business owners can see and even answer as well. It’s the benefit of community and connecting with people like you who love working in the horse industry and also want to grow their business.
Now stay tuned to future episodes and join my email list if you want to go a little deeper on this topic and even get some help in terms of the tech. Because I’ve got a brand new free workshop coming up and you don’t want to miss it!
Links mentioned in this episode:
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