If you’ve ever thought email marketing was just for the “big guys”—you know, the Apples and Ariats of the world—then you’re going to get so much from this episode. Because every horse business can benefit from an email marketing strategy.

Welcome to the show notes! This is a brief summary of the podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
Today we’re talking about email marketing. But don’t stop listening and think this doesn’t apply to you.
Whether your horse business consists of just you, a team of 2 or 3, or a team of 20, this episode has something for you.
And to help you see that horse businesses of all size can benefit from building an email list, I’m introducing you to a horse business owner that's filled up all of her clinics in the last year just from emailing her list. That’s right, no social media or other advertising required.
And get this, she had less than 200 emails on her list when this started happening for her.
Why am I telling you that? Because so often, when we hear of email marketing, it’s easy to throw it off and think it’s just for the big businesses. The Apples, the Starbucks, or even the Ariats of the world.
But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Today Lindsay Hayes-Cofell with Hayes Cofell Performance Horses in London, Ontario, Canada is going to help you see what’s possible when you build an email list of people that actually know, like, and trust you.
And how you can do that same thing in your business.
Here's a highlight reel of what you'll hear in my conversation with Lindsay:
What made Lindsay think, "I should start working on our email list?" Or was that even what she first thought?
What were some of Lindsay's first steps to get the email marketing ball rolling?
Was she nervous or intimidated to ask for permission to email her existing clients and customers?
What was the experience of sending her first email?
What would she say to the horse business owner listening right now that’s saying, “That’s great for you, Lindsay, but even if I had all my past and current customer’s email addresses in one place, I’d have no clue what to do to send them an email. And I don’t even know what I’d put in it!” ?
How did they decide to create Momentum, their online membership experience?
Lindsay is such a great example of what’s possible when you decide to put some concentrated effort into marketing your business.
So, what about you?
Are you walking away from this episode with one or two things you can apply in your own business? I’d love to hear what they are!
Jump into my free How to Market Your Horse Business Facebook community and let me know!
Links mentioned in this episode:
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